Tequila is an acquired taste to some, but this Tequila drink will change the minds of a few doubters. This is the Wild Thing.

Tequila tends to be a very marmite spirit; in that we have found people either love or despise it. Well the beauty of some cocktails and drinks are they can change your mind when it comes to your thoughts on certain spirits and the Wild Thing does just that in our opinion. It is very simple and does not require a lot of preparation with only needing a few ingredients to make. Soda Water tends to make any drink lighter and refreshing along with taking the edge off any spirit included in the drink with it and it does just that in this one.
You still get a good bit of the Tequila flavour from it , but it is not as intense and does not seem to stay around on your tongue for as long as it would. The Cranberry and Lime Juice also bring that added bit of sweet and sour balance you are looking for in a good cocktail, so this one comes with a bit of everything. The drink itself looks pretty cool as well, it turns out a light pink colour after the addition of the Soda Water which pairs with the Cranberry Juice included to create this look.
It our experience the Wild Thing is one of those drinks that becomes easier and more pleasant every sip you have. At first it catches you off guard and you may be a bit put off but give it a chance and we assure you it will quickly grow on you. So, give it a go, if you are already a Tequila person then you will love it. If you are not, then we will bet on it changing your mind. Here is how it is made.
1 ½ oz.(45ml) Tequila (Blanco or Silver preferably)
1 oz. (30ml) Cranberry Juice
½ oz. (15ml) Lime Juice
2 oz. (60ml) Soda Water
Garnish: Lime Wheel
Fill a shaker with ice.
Add the Tequila, Lime Juice, and Cranberry Juice.
Shake for 10 – 15 seconds.
Pour into an Old-Fashioned rocks glass over fresh ice.
Top with Soda Water.
Garnish with a Lime Wheel.