Some Whiskey drinks are best kept simple and tasty. This is the Whiskey Cobbler.

Continuing on with our Autumn like Whiskey cocktails, the Whiskey Cobbler is next up. It is one of the most famous versions of the classic Sherry Cobbler but comes with a lot more strength and bite than its wine like counterpart. In Jerry Thomas’s 1862 publication “How to Mix Drinks” he suggested using 4 oz. (120ml) of Whiskey in a Whiskey Cobbler which for the average drinker is too strong, so this was later knocked down to 3 oz. (90ml) which is still quite strong.
A great part of a Whiskey Cobbler is you can change it about to your preference. Often garnished with a variety of Summers fruits, you can pick and choose what suits you. Also, it is common for this drink to be made with both Whiskey and Brandy so pick what you prefer. The use of Soda Water is also optional, this is not traditional for the drink but is a more modern choice to tone down the intensity of the Whiskey a bit more.
The Whiskey Cobbler is simple but strong drink that is a great choice around this time of year as it will defiantly leave a warm pleasant sensation in your chest. So give it a go and try out a few different combinations to discover what your perfect Whiskey Cobbler is. Here is how it is made.
3 oz. (90ml) brandy or whiskey
½ – 1 oz. (15-30ml) simple syrup (to taste)
Optional: Soda water (to fill)
Garnish: seasonal fruit or orange and lemon slices with a cherries
Fill an old fashioned glass with crushed ice.
Add all ingredients into the glass.
Stir well and top with Soda water.
Add your fruit garnishes.
Further information
When it comes to selecting fruits, it might be ideal to select fruits that are currently in season. Other than that, opting for Orange or Lemon slices and cherries is a solid choice.
A cobbler drink is best served over crushed ice, this is easily done by putting some ice cubes in a Lewis Bag or cloth bag and hitting them repeatedly with a rolling pin or mallet till the ice is crushed. A blender can be used but this will create excess water and water down the drink more.
Gin and Rum are also great choices for a base spirit for this drink so it may be worth trying these out. As well as this you can use any distilled spirit as a base spirit , for example a Grand Mariner Cobbler. These would often be served with Sherry alongside the base spirit.