An update on the Whiskey Sour you are sure to love. This is the New York Sour.

Prep time : 4 mintues

Serves : 1

Strength : Moderate
So many cocktails stem from other classic recipes but go on to make just as big of a name as their parent drink. The New York sour is a variant of the well know Whiskey Sour which updates the famous drink with a layer of Red Wine floated on the top. This layer of Wine adds some aromatic qualities as well as a crisp red colour that does wonders for the aesthetic of this drink.
Reports claim the New York Sour dates all the way back to the 1870’s or 1880’s , although it is also thought to of operated under other names such as the Continental Sour before this. It is also speculated that the New York Sour was invented in Chicago, but the New York label just stuck after a while. This recipe comes from Allen Katz, the co-founder of New York Distilling Company and a leading expert on spirits and cocktails. He suggested the use of Bourbon or Rye Whiskey in this drink with Rye Whiskey adding more spiced tones but both spirits being suitable.
This is a cocktail that is relatively simple to make yet has a complex and incredible Palate of flavours that so many people enjoy. Amongst a large group of Sour style drinks, this one stands out in the crowd.
Here is how it is made.
2 oz. (60ml) Bourbon
¾ oz. (22.5ml) Lemon juice
¾ oz. (22.5ml) Sugar Syrup
½ an Egg White
1 oz. (30ml) Red Wine
Garnish : Lemon Wedge
Add all ingredients except the Red Wine into a shaker.
Dry shake (without ice) for 30 seconds.
Add ice into the shaker and shake for a further 10-12 seconds.
Pour and strain into a rocks glass over ice.
Layer on top the Red Wine with a spoon.
Garnish with a Lemon Wedge.