An odd combination of ingredients that may surprise you. This is the Cloud 9.

Prep time : 2 minutes

Serves : 1

Strength : Light
Every so often, you will find recipes for drink that contain some bizarre ingredients and combinations. The Cloud 9 definitely is in that category of drink. It only contains three ingredients, but they are not what you would typically see paired together in a cocktail.
Milk , Blue Curacao, and Lemon Lime Soda come together to create a very unique and acquired taste, but one that many may find out to enjoy. Its light smooth texture that comes from the Milk makes for easy drinking and the Blue Curacao and Lemon Lime Soda add a pleasing citrus/orange like tone. On top of this the Cloud 9 has a very cool baby blue colour to it that stands out so well and looks incredible.
It probably is not the first drink you would think of trying in a bar, but maybe if you are feeling adventurous and wanted to try something new at home it could be a bold choice. Drinks making is all about new experiences and taking your taste buds in new directions, the Cloud 9 will certainly do this for you.
Here is how it is made.
4 oz. (120ml) Milk
2 oz. (60ml) Blue Curacao
1 oz. (30ml) Lemon Lime Soda
Garnish : Maraschino Cherries
Add ice to a mixing glass.
Add in all your ingredients.
Stir gently for 20 – 25 seconds.
Strain into a glass over ice and garnish with maraschino cherries.