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Captain Morgan’s Original Spiced Gold Rum

Arguably one of the most popular spiced rums out there and a main feature in a lot of pubs and bars , Captain Morgan’s Original Gold Spiced Rum has its fair share of fans.

The brand has been around since 1944 when the Seagram company based in Canada started producing Rum under the name Captain Morgan Rum Company. Seagram CEO then purchased a distillery named Long Pond in Jamaica where production of the rum was increased. Among the many large buyers of the rum from the distillery where the Kingston pharmacy Levy brother, who had been adding medicinal herbs and spices to the rum ageing then bottling it. Bronfman liked the rum product so much they decided to buy the rights to it. The brand itself is famous for its mascot “The Captain” whose likeness came from the award-winning artist Don Maitz.

Since the original rum recipe took off all those years ago Captain Morgan’s has produced a variety of products including dark, aged, and white rums which many bars and clubs around the world stock for use. So clearly a brand and product with this kind of following must be sort of good right? Here are my thoughts on it.

What is it made of ?


The main features of Original Gold are what you would generally expect from a spiced rum. The description of the product on their website describes the use of “rich vanilla, brown sugar , warming spices with just a hint of oak”. Of course, the rum has its own “secret recipe” and blend of spices which is normal for a branded product of its kind from a big company. From what you can see there is not much in the way of added ingredients that distinguish it from many other spiced rums. There are other brands out there that list unique ingredients to their rums that . For example, Old Jamaica make a cherry spiced rum which stands out amongst other products and for the same price as Captain Morgan’s Spiced Gold.

What does it taste like ?


Unfortunately, the prominent taste I get from this one is a disturbing chemically one that lingers too long before you get a hint of the Vanilla and spice that the products description talks about. What makes up for this however is how it stands mixed into a drink. I have had many double spiced rum and cokes featuring this product on nights out and it holds up well when you get the right balance of rum to coke. The flavours the product description talk about are easy to focus on and make for a more enjoyable drinking experience. I have also used this product in one of my favourite cocktails the “Leg Spreader” which includes pineapple juice , coconut rum , spiced rum, and peach schnapps . In this drink the rum is well masked by the pineapple juice, but you can still make out some of the spices and combined with the sweetness of all the other ingredients it makes for an amazing tropical drink. So, from what I have experienced this rum may be more useful as a component of other drinks rather than a stand alone rum.

Is it worth my money ?


You can typically find a 70cl (700ml) bottle of Captain Morgan Gold Spiced from £16-18, which for what you are getting is pretty reasonable. You can always go out your way and spend £10-20 more on something more high-end and extravagant like Kraken or even Captain Morgan’s Privet Stock which is highly rated by a lot of people online. But I have the feeling a lot of people choose Captain Morgan’s Original Gold because it is simple , affordable and mixes well whether in a cocktail or just with a standard mixer such as cola.

Captain Morgan’s Original Gold Spiced is also typically sold at most supermarkets, drinks stores and online so it is very easy to get hold of when needed.

Final thoughts and rating


I will be honest because that is the whole point of these reviews, I have tried a good few spiced rums more recently in my life and I could list a few I would prefer over this one. The chemically sort of taste it has to it on its own is a bit off putting and that is not made up for much by the hint of Vanilla you taste at the end of it. But like I stated above, it is a rum suitable for mixing and in certain cocktails it blends in well. So, if you are looking for an inexpensive spiced rum that you need on short notice for a house party or a general drinking session with friend then this maybe what you want. However, as I said there are many other brands of spiced rum out there that will give you more for your money and a more unique pleasant taste.

Rating: 5/10


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